Your contribution empowers communities to achieve sustainable economic growth.
Your donation will directly support marginalized communities by providing access to vocational training, sustainable livelihoods, and opportunities for economic empowerment. Together, we can uplift lives and create a brighter future for women and families across Kenya. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference.
0.00% of Ksh 30,000,000 raised
Our sponsorship program empowers women across Kenya by organizing them into clusters within targeted counties. Each cluster is made up of 15 women working towards economic independence and sustainable livelihoods.
Shaba (Bronze): One woman supported at Ksh 50,000.
Fedha (Silver): Supports one cluster of 15 women at Ksh 50,000 per woman, totaling Ksh 750,000.
Dhahabu (Gold): Support one county with 10 clusters, empowering 150 women for Ksh 7,500,000.
Platini (Platinum): Support all four counties with 10 clusters each, engaging 600 women for a total of Ksh 30,000,000.
Your sponsorship will help weave Kenyan women into the fabric of the global economy, driving progress and sustainability in their communities.